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DJ Stonn
DJ Website Copied To Clipboard

DJ since 2003 I have dj'ed Weddings and Receptions, Parties, Birthdaqys, Special events. I even dj'ed on a frozen lake for a winter festival. and dj'ed 2 zoom weddings/recptions during the pandemic.

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Please consult the list of available songs. If a song is already requested, you can up-vote requested songs. Some songs or music genres are restricted by our clients. If allowed, and if time permits, we will make out best effort to play your request.
    Some songs or music genres are restricted by our clients. If allowed, and if time permits, we will make out best effort to play your request. Thanks for understanding and your request.
    USD 5 for a Shoutout
    Time of Shoutout
    It may not be possible to make the Shoutout at the exact time, but I will try my best
    I will try my best to accommodate your shoutout. Keep it clean. Spell names phoneticlly if it is a difficult name.
        I will try my best to accommodate your shoutout. Keep it clean. Spell names phoneticlly if it is a difficult name.

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